Friday, January 1, 2010

Mucho Gusto, 2010!

Happy New Year, everyone! We hope 2010 is treating you well so far. We were lucky to ring in the New Year with great friends.

Chris, Tammy, Andrea and Jeremy

I woke up on New Year's Eve to see a Facebook post that Andrea and Jeremy were Yuma-bound. Chris and I still had no plans for the evening, and had joked around a couple days earlier that if Jeremy and Andrea were in Yuma, that's where we'd go for New Year's. So, of course, I called Andrea right away and it was decided we would meet them. Their friends Anastasia and Andy were so great to let us stay with them on such short notice, and it was really nice to see everyone. Jeremy will be deploying soon, and we were bummed that we were already in Phoenix when they went up to Reno for Christmas, so we were very glad we had a chance to visit since we won't see him again until at least next fall.

We ate and visited for a while, and then went to a small house party, where we saw fireworks at 10, 11, and midnight. It was a fun night and I'm glad we went!

Dre and Tammers

Andrea, Anastasia, Jen and Tammy


Drea said...

I am so glad that things just fell into place. It was so wonderful to see you both :)

volksbloggin said...

Mucho Gusto 2010 to you too Tammers. Looks like a lot of fun. Love the New Year's hats. I was bummed we couldn't find one for Olivia to wear on her big night.