Saturday, January 30, 2010
Attempting Green

Saturday, January 23, 2010
Belated Birthday Wishes and Odds and Ends
Last weekend, my Dad had a birthday. It sounded like he had a great birthday dinner Saturday, and the next day he had a birthday lunch at Santa Anita with his brother. Here is the bugle player who announces the races playing him Happy Birthday at lunch! We're so glad you had a great birthday, Dad!

In Scoop news, she has rediscovered the box I brought her home in, which has a pillow from my mom's house in it. Her new thing is to jump in the box and "get under the covers" of the pillowcase and sleep there all morning. She is too funny.

Hope you all are doing well and have a wonderful weekend!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Paying it Forward

***Update: Melynda wins the earrings! I will mail them to you sometime this week.***
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Gold 'N Silver Inn
My mom came to town today to do some shopping, and wanted to go to lunch somewhere not too far from our place. I thought it sounded like a good opportunity to check something off my resolution list, so we went to the Gold 'N Silver Inn, which was filmed just this week for the Food Network's Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. The restaurant would have already been on my list even had I not known this little tidbit of information. The RGJ food writer blogged about it a few months ago, and a journalism student and former RGJ intern recently did a multimedia project on the place. But the news that Guy Fieri had only been there three days before made my mom both excited and bummed - possibly the world's biggest Food Network fan, she wished she'd been there the same time as the TV crew. (The show also filmed at Louis Basque Corner, where I've been only for drinks, and Dish Cafe, where I've taken several people when they've come to town - including Andrea and Kelli.)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
The Resolution (part two)
9. Play craps at a craps table
15. Eat at the Gold 'N Silver Inn
Friday, January 8, 2010
The Resolution (part one)
- Reno Rodeo
- Reno Air Races
- Drink a Picon Punch (not at the Star, but at Louie's Basque Corner)
- Drive Highway 50 - the loneliest highway in America (as far as Middlegate and Shoe Tree, at least)
- You remember the afternoon movie hosted by Betty Stoddard (note: This is no longer around, however, I did interview Betty Stoddard for a video for work and she told me about all the jobs she used to have)
- You know there are no horses or cows at the Mustang Ranch and no rabbits at the Cottontail
- You still call the Reno Hilton "the MGM" (note: while the resort once known as MGM had new owners and a new name when we moved here, it was a hotel that we used to stay with my dad when we were kids. It had this awesome red carpeted staircase and black and white pictures of old movie stars. It later became Bally's, then the Hilton, and now is the Grand Sierra Resort.)
- You've eaten an Awful Awful
- You know what going to the "Wal" means
- You know Moana (as in Lane, Stadium, etc.) is pronounced MO-ANN-A, not MO-ONN-A
- You think of only one lake when someone says THE lake
- You root for Andre Agassi (note: although I understand the connection, this actually has nothing to do with me living in Nevada. Fun fact - my first live sports assignment in college was an Agassi-Chang match.)
- You bought liquor from Ben
- Marilyn Newton has taken your picture for the paper (note: I don't think she has taken my picture, but we've been on many assignments together.)
- You've had Mama's raviolis at Casale's
- You watched the Reno Aces (note: obviously this was a different Aces, before our time here, but the statement is true as written.)
- You've watched a parade in downtown Reno
- You know Nevada's Ty Cobb was a newspaperman, not a baseball player
Next I will compile the suggestions and come up with the 10 things to cross off the list this year ... Stay tuned!
My Christmas craft project
I had lots of Christmas projects I wanted to make for gifts, but there wasn't enough time in the week between finals and our trip to get to all of them. This is the one project I did manage to make - bottlecap magnets. I found instructions on this blog post, but did mine a little bit different. Instead of using images from an old calendar or magazine, I resized 24 pictures (each image to 1000 x 1000) and put them together to make a 4-by-6-inch photo (4000 x 6000 ... that way, each image was one square inch). Then, to make cutting out the holes easier, I bought a one-inch hole punch at Michael's. Other than that, I simply followed the instructions on the blog and the resin package. They were a big hit with the family! I forgot to take pictures during the making ... these are the ones we gave to Chris' parents.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Odds 'n Ends
Here's a little list of some things on our trip we haven't mentioned yet ...
- On Christmas Eve, while we were all at church and Scoop and Molly in their crates, Alison's dog Tessa managed to find a bag of Ghirardelli chocolates Chris had put in my stocking, and ate nearly all of them. We later discovered the ones she didn't eat ... buried under the dirt in one of Rita's plants. What a funny dog! Luckily, she didn't get too sick from the chocolate.
- We got lots of awesome Christmas presents, but the biggest surprise was when I picked up my stocking and it started ringing - Chris got me an iPhone, and I love it!
- Chris lived in Yuma over three New Year's holidays ... and never spent one in Yuma. Apparently we had to move 800 miles away for that!
- I went to Hobby Lobby for the first time. I am in love. Next time I'm bringing an extra suitcase just for that store.
- I also went (along with Chris, Kat and Jeffrey) to Domestic Bliss in Mesa. Phoenix friends, check it out when you are in the neighborhood. It is adorable - and they have classes. (See more here.) Thanks Gautreauxs for making the trek up from Tucson to see us!
- Alison introduced me to a dirty chai ... a chai latte with coffee (or espresso?) in it, and I am hooked. My Starbucks card is running low so I made one at home today - equal parts coffee, chai and soy milk - it was delish!
- During the trip I got to eat at some of my favorite spots - Joe's Farm Grill (with Kelli and Abby), Oregano's (in Flagstaff with the Gabels), Four Peaks (with Chris and Alison, and former Trib coworkers Chris and Christian), and Pita Jungle (with the Gautreauxs). Sadly, I was not able to get any fish tacos at Las Palapas in Yuma, but I understand Andrea had enough for the both of us.
- We were happy to be able to see Chris's aunt Kathy and uncle Dave from Illinois, who happened to be in town at the same time as we were.
I'm sure I've left some things out ... maybe Chris will add to the list later (hint, hint). We had such a fun time - I wish we could take two weeks off every year for the holidays!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

We had a great dinner, took a break for chatting, beer pong and fireworks, and went back for lots of yummy desserts dipped in chocolate! It was a great way to spend a night with friends we don't get to see often enough. Thanks Holly and Daniel for making such a wonderful feast ... the cocktails were pretty delicous, too!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Mucho Gusto, 2010!

I woke up on New Year's Eve to see a Facebook post that Andrea and Jeremy were Yuma-bound. Chris and I still had no plans for the evening, and had joked around a couple days earlier that if Jeremy and Andrea were in Yuma, that's where we'd go for New Year's. So, of course, I called Andrea right away and it was decided we would meet them. Their friends Anastasia and Andy were so great to let us stay with them on such short notice, and it was really nice to see everyone. Jeremy will be deploying soon, and we were bummed that we were already in Phoenix when they went up to Reno for Christmas, so we were very glad we had a chance to visit since we won't see him again until at least next fall.
We ate and visited for a while, and then went to a small house party, where we saw fireworks at 10, 11, and midnight. It was a fun night and I'm glad we went!