I wonder if I have more treasures like this somewhere at my mom's. I wonder if our kids will have things like this to look back on and remember their childhood. I mean, who is going to save e-mails and Facebook posts? And, oh, it is fun to read. All about boys and the things kids do on summer vacation when they're in junior high (Example - "I wish you were here for my party, we slept in a tent ... Oh, happy birthday to you to! We are both official teenagers now! Totally groovy!") Just lovely.
Melanie lived in Quincy from seventh through ninth grade, I believe, and then moved to Washington. Sometime during or after high school, we fell out of touch, but managed to find each other through the magic of the Internet and now she lives in L.A., where we recently got to see each other for the first time in more than 12 years. Today I finally remembered to to scan the letter in and e-mail it to her. So I guess, sometimes, technology can be a good thing :)