My brief attempt at the spotlight, as an extra in a movie called Kerosine Cowboys shooting this weekend in Reno, in an e-mail (some names and numbers x'd or omitted for privacy):
Thursday afternoon
Hi, I saw on your web site that you're looking for extras for Saturday in Reno. I'm interested if you still need people. I live in Reno and am available all day Saturday (although I'm unavailable Friday and Sunday). I'm not sure what you're looking for, but I've attached a couple pictures - if you need a different kind let me know. What additional information do you need? Thank you, Tammy Gabel (xxx) xxx-xxxx.
Casting lady:
Which studio are you registered with? If you are not registered with (one of our studios), go to (our web site) and click register on line.
Casting lady again:
you avail tomorrow at 9a? in reno
No, I have to work tomorrow (unless it was something quick like paperwork). Should I still go ahead and register?
Casting lady:
9a til 3p, only avail sat then
Yes, only Saturday. I'll register on the site now.
Casting lady:
ok good saturday then
Alright, just registered. Anything else I need to do or know?
Casting lady:
email me a close up pic of you pls
(with picture attached) This is probably the best I can do until I get home later ...
Casting lady:
Margie- Book her for tomorrow.
Tammy- What is your phone number? you avail tomorrow from about 9a til 3p?
Sorry - only available Saturday.
Casting lady:
saturday works!
Okay! My cell is xxx-xxx-xxxx. What else do I need to do? (Time, location, attire?)
Casting lady:
will be in touch regarding wardrobe, location etc tomorrow
4 p.m. Friday
What do I need to know for tomorrow?
Casting lady:
sweets, looks like it is pushed to sunday now! they are runningbehind, you avail.?
Unfortunately not - have to work early Sunday morning.
Casting lady:
Ill put you ON FRO power AND pride THEN =-)
power and pride?
Casting lady:
the steve baldwin, eric roberts film we are also working on =-)
March Madness
4 days ago