On Thursday night, I was waiting for Chris to get done working and pick his parents up at the airport. I had the time, and all the ingredients, to make
this Bailey's cake that I'd seen online a day or two earlier. Even knowing I'd be making Rita a birthday cake two days later, I couldn't resist making it. And, oh my, was it delicious.

Rita and Brad got in pretty late on Thursday and on Friday Chris and I had to work at different times, but we managed to all meet up for lunch at my favorite spot, Dish Cafe. After I finished working, I met up with Rita and Brad at Louise and Bill's (Chris' aunt and uncle who live about a mile from us) and we visited and went to dinner. Saturday we threw a dinner party for Rita's birthday. I was excited to have people over and get the table all set up. Not bad for a folding table, eh? Bill and Louise came over, and so did their son Brad and his girlfriend Linda. We had a great time talking and laughing and eating.

We needn't have worried about having too much cake. Half the Bailey's cake and the entire Angel Food cake I made for Rita were gone by the end of the night. Happy Birthday, Rita!

Here's the whole gang - even Scoop!

On Sunday, Chris, Rita, Brad and I went to the Aces game. It was finally nice weather!

After the game, we took a walk downtown near the river and had a nice dinner outside.

It was really great to have Rita and Brad here for a few days and we can't thank them enough for everything they helped us do around the house! We're looking forward to seeing all the
Gabels later this month in Illinois for more birthday celebrations.