When Tammy and I realized we would be visiting Vegas only one week apart we thought it would be fun to both share our stories on her blog. I can't speak for Tam, but I personally had an amazing time on my trip. It was my first trip to Vegas and one of the funnest weekends of my life. There are so many things to say and so many pictures to share that I don't know how to fit it all in, but I'll try.
Ned's is a bookstore in Berkeley where I worked in college and where Miguel and I first met. We had so many amazing friends and memories there that when our friend J.R. suggested a reunion in Vegas over his birthday weekend we jumped at the chance. Lucky for all of us, J.R.'s parents have retired to Vegas recently and they helped to make our trip unforgettable. We got to our suite on Thursday night to find it fully stocked:
We started off the night getting reacquainted, waiting for the rest of the Nedlings to arrive, and anxiously awaiting the surprise J.R. had promised.
Once Jeanette arrived, having narrowly escaped a NY blizzard, we finally got to open our surprise... matching onesies!!!
By this point we were anxious to see the sights and hit the strip at about 1am.
Nedlings in Paris
After playing some slots and enjoying an early morning meal, we returned to the room to relax in the onesies:
Blaire and J.R. working the Onesies.
The next morning was J.R.'s birthday and his parents brought over a huge Phillipino lunch with enough left overs to last the weekend and then some.
Afterwords, we got back into our onesies, headed down to the lobby (attracting quite a lot of looks and comments) to wait for the last of us to arrive.
Steve is finally here!!!
We couldn't stay in pajamas forever, so that night we got dressed up to hit the town.
The girls The boys |
We saw some sights...
Did some dancing...
Sara takes it all in... |
And made some new friends...
The next day we slept in, lounged around in the hot tub and got ready to EAT.
Spice Market Buffet
After a little digesting, we got dressed up again to head out to Tao, where J.R.'s cousin got us on the guest list and Kim Kardashian was having a party for the release of her new perfume.
Tao |
We didn't get to see Kim, but we had a great time...
Taking advantage of free vodka for the ladies
Posed with Tao's famous Buddhas...
And got our groove on...
After leaving Tao, we decided to take it down a notch and headed into old downtown Vegas to play at the Golden Nugget.
J.R. tries to hit it big
Miguel, Katie, and Jeanette fishing for cash
"Enjoying" the local cuisine
Mingling with the locals
The next morning, we saw some more of the sights...
 Me and the King and one-by-one said goodbye to our friends.
Lucky for me and Miguel, J.R.'s parents got us a room for our last night, where we enjoyed our amazing view...
helped ourselves to some room service...
and rested up for our last morning in Vegas.
Before boarding the plane, we played some more games (this time we actually won something).
And finally, left Vegas with heavy hearts, but a lot of great memories and exciting new plans...
New Orleans 2012??? |