I really blew it on the Thanksgiving pictures. These four pictures are the only four I took. My excuse is that I was in charge of the bird, so I really should have put someone else in charge of the camera.
Our friends Erin and Sandor left for Atlanta for the holiday, and since Na was watching their dogs we commandeered their house for Thanksgiving dinner, seeing how they have a bigger dining room table and double ovens. (
When I say commandeered, I'm actually pretty sure it was Erin's idea in the first place ... she even set the dining room table for us! It was very nice of her.)
So, we invited a few others over - Chris and I, Na, friends John, Julie and Dionne from work, and Will from my cohort at school. Here's Na, making the mashed potatoes ...

In addition to turkey and stuffing, I made a couple things that are starting to become a Thanksgiving tradition for us - my Nannie's cranberry loaf cake ...

And, some mulled wine ...

Julie made an apple crisp, Dionne brought a sweet potato pie (I'd never had one before and
OMG it was delicious!), Na made a pumpkin pie and Will brought green beans. Everything was so yummy and it was nice to have such good company! We ate early, about 1:30 in the afternoon, so everyone who had to work could get there on time. Scoop and I spent the rest of the afternoon napping and trying to catch up on some Project Runway. I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving!