Me: "So, you have this Straight Talk Crunch."
Them: "Yeah."
Me: "Where's your Obama-themed ice cream?"
Them: Blank stares.
Me: "You don't have any?"
Them: "No."
Me: "Oh. Partisan ice cream."
Them: Giggles
Chris: "I'm surprised they knew what 'partisan' meant."
So when we came home I tried to look it up online. (About now Chris really started to think I was crazy.) I couldn't find anything on the Baskin Robbins web site, but apparently (according to a post on Yahoo answers) there is also supposed to be a "Whirl of Change" flavor. I wonder why our Baskin Robbins only had the one ...
I'll check out the Baskin Robbins here and report back Tammy.
No partisan ice cream on Okinawa.
Apparently (at least, according to the Daily Show) Obama used to work at Baskin Robbins, so you'd think knowing that they'd for sure have his ice cream. The plot thickens!
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