Last Friday was national Take Your Dog to Work Day and you know I couldn't pass up the opportunity to take Scoop to the office. A couple of my coworkers bring their dogs in from time-to-time and I've been waiting for a good day to bring Scoop. She was mostly good, but she wanted to run all around the building and into people's offices and check things out. And if I got her to relax and lay down and chew on her stick, she'd hear one of the other dogs move and go running in their direction.

At the computer
Teasing Yogi with her chew stick
She got antsy sitting my lap so I set her on the desk and she enjoyed looking out the window for a while

Messing with Bear
Scooper Dog lasted about half the day at work, and then spent the rest of the day playing with Sierra and Warren. Not a bad dog day!