Hey y'all. It's not really like me to go more than a week without an update, so I'm writing one even though there's not much to say! We've been quite busy this week, me with school, work and my internship and Chris with state high school basketball championships. We've hardly even seen each other all week! My schedule has been so crazy that until this week I hadn't even seen my non-school friends since the Superbowl. Luckily, Erin stopped by (with dinner!) on Wednesday evening, which was really sweet and we got all caught up on girl talk and wedding planning. And then Na and I met up for a couple hours Thursday afternoon when the Nevada Museum of Art was having free admission. We saw the Woman with the Veil up close and thought it was so amazingly well preserved and so very lifelike for a 500-year-old painting. I'm so glad we got to see it while it was still here. We also liked the way this room was set up, with these prints in color-coordinating frames. May have to steal this idea for myself someday ...

Stay tuned!