Lately, Mr. Gabel and I don't get out as much as we once did and we don't have people over as much, either. So we decided we should have a New Year's Eve party. But not on New Year's Eve, because I had to work that day and also people probably had other plans. So we decided to throw a New Year's Eve Eve Eve party the Saturday prior. And then we decided it should have a theme, because we like an excuse to dress up. So after some brainstorming we settled on an SNL party. And of course, dessert bars are standard for a party in our house, so let's start there ...
Champagne cupcakes, because, New Year's. |
Mountain Dew Doritos Cupcakes, which had previously been requested by our friend Ray for his birthday and actually weren't bad (I ate mine sans Doritos). |
Mini Rice Krispie Treat "cupcakes" for the Gluten Intolerant |
Once the desserts were decided, it was time to work on our costumes, which actually turned out to be quite simple. We didn't win the contest, but that's ok since we were the hosts.
Pumpkin as Wayne (she refused to pose for a photo) |
We had a great time with our friends and look forward to planning our next fiesta!